The Parlor is the result of a spontaneous thought one morning that turned into a compulsion.

I woke up and had this burning desire to create a place where people could come and hang out, doing something or nothing at all. A place that was a “no judgment zone” especially for oneself. A space where one could be free to be oneself, truly. A place where the most introverted the most extroverted, and all in between would feel safe and welcomed and even loved.

A creative place. A place where you would have access to supplies and workshops. Big tables, juicy art supplies, and space to create, to try and fail and try again and keep trying because there’s no judgment. A space that encourages dreaming not only of the future but of the here and now. And a space where you are championed on your journey. Through “open studio” time and workshops we hope to create an environment that allows you to tap into your “unknown you”. You don’t have to be an artist of any level to be creative it just takes courage to show up.

A space to cultivate  … life. Life with others and most importantly life with yourself. Relationships are not easy, ever. The Parlor is intended to be a safe space to hang out and enjoy others without judgment. To make new friends and stay connected with old ones. The Parlor is also a place of faith, but not religion. We believe in a kind and loving God who is for us at all times, and NEVER against us. We encourage (not preach) cultivating a relationship with God through Jesus. While you will never be forced, required, or manipulated EVER you are always invited to ask questions, seek answers, and knock on doors. There will be workshops, e-courses, book/bible studies, and other events to encourage the cultivation of your heart.

And thus… The Parlor: a place to create and cultivate.